On June 19th, 2014 we will be conducting our previously announced Management Briefing at the Perkins Family Auditorium on the campus of The University of Oklahoma, Tulsa-Schusterman Center, 4502 East 41st Street (map). We encourage all 3dIcon stakeholders, who are able, to attend. Stakeholders who are unable to attend in-person have the option to attend via phone and/or the web.
Attendees who choose to participate through the “webinar” will have the ability to hear the presentations, see the written materials shown at the meeting and submit questions.
To view the slides being used in the presentation and submit questions during the meeting via the web please access the following link:
To participate in the Management Briefing without the ability to see the slides, but via phone/audio only, please call 1-855-282-6330 on June 19, 2014 at 10 AM (Central Time). Attendees joining via phone only will need to enter the event number 664 599 093 when prompted.
If you are participating by phone/audio only and have questions you wish to ask of management you will need to call or email those questions prior to the Management Briefing. To submit questions over the phone please use the number 1-855-973-0095 and call before the 19th, anytime between 9 AM and 10 PM EDT Monday through Friday. Your question will be recorded and passed along to management prior to the Management Briefing.
If you wish to submit questions via email, please send your questions to prior to the Management Briefing.
If you have any questions regarding the process please contact Alliance Advisors, LLC at the toll free number 1-855-973-0095.
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