3DIcon’s CEO Victor Keen, in conjunction with the company’s technical team, recently contributed an article to NASA Tech Briefs highlighting potential applications for the company’s 3D imaging technologies in various verticals including defense, homeland security, military medical, automotive, and aerospace. The article describes the difference between current 2D technologies being utilized in these sectors, and highlights how 3DIcon’s CSpace® would be a more robust solution for respective industry operators.
The article was also published in print in Photonics Tech Briefs, a supplement to NASA Tech Briefs printed six times annually, and featuring exclusive reports of innovations in optics, fiber optics, electro-optics, lasers, imaging, optical design & analysis, and test & measurement. The publication is read by key engineers and developers of tomorrow’s semiconductors/electronics, medical equipment, aerospace/defense systems, automobiles, and mobile devices.
An introduction to the article can be found below:
The United States government spends a lot of money on its defense programs, investing in the training and technology necessary to arm and prepare the most advanced fighting force on the planet. The price tag for these efforts reached $581 billion in 2014 as various branches of defense continued to dedicate funds toward the research and development of innovative tools and technology.
No one wants to go to war, but there are technologies being developed every day that can be utilized on the battlefield to ensure the members of our armed forces are successful and return safely. One such technology, 3D display, has garnered significant attention, as many organizations are discovering the benefits over traditional 2D display technology.
For the full article, please visit NASA Tech Briefs.